Friday, 28 February 2014

Are you getting brainwashed to pursue a career?

So are you in high school, waiting to speed through college and join the workforce? If yes, then which profession are you dreaming of signing up for? Do you want to suit up for a corporate career because of the moolah you can make or head overseas to carve out a career in software because a NRI status seems prestigious? Do you want to teach in a college, because that seems like a flexible career for a woman, or do you want to do an MBA because everyone seems to be doing so? But at the end of the day, is your choice of career dictated by passion, peer or parental pressure or popularity?

Often, the post-graduation degree we sign-up for and the career we choose to pursue is dictated by the latter two. We buy into other people’s definition of success i.e. admission in certain colleges, certain degrees, lofty pay packages or power. And while all of these are just fine if you’re really passionate about the work you’re doing, it can drag you down in the long run, if you’ve got into a career just because it seemed like the thing to do at that time.

So how do you know that you’re not really passionate about a certain field but are being influenced by other factors?

Do you like the image that a certain profession creates in your mind, but are not fired up by the job details?
When I was in school, I wanted to become an IAS officer. Why? Well, don’t IAS officers get staff cars with a red light flashing on top and hold seats of power! Ah yes! I loved the idea of power and people saluting me left, right and centre. I even studied law because that would help me crack the UPSC exams. But when the time came to study for The exams, I realised that not only could I not cram but I just couldn’t get enthused about spending my entire life in a career where I’d have to work closely with politicians, show oodles of diplomacy and generally do work that I didn’t identify with. So if image or power is the reason you’re thinking of a particular career, think again if you really want to sign up for it.

Is everyone around you signing up for a particular course or career, and it seems like just The thing to do at this time?
If you’re excited about this line of work, then great, go ahead and plunge into this particular career. But, if you’re thinking of pursuing this degree just because it has won the popularity contest, then maybe you’d like to re-evaluate your decision. Once the initial charm wears off, a career is about spending a major part of your day (and life) in that particular job line. So, how do you want your days and work life to pan out? Can you see yourself stay enthused about this career over the years?

Do you want to sign up for a particular career to make your friends or family members happy?
When I was in Law School, I had a friend who loved to paint and had considered a career in art & design. But she was studying to be a lawyer because her father thought that this was a substantial career choice and art was something she could pursue in her free time. Another pal joined the Army because everyone in his friend circle was applying to join the defence services. So, what is it that you really enjoy doing? Is it something you can create a career around?

Ask yourself these questions and see where the answers lead you to.


Married to an Air Force pilot, she lives and works all across the country.

Click on the following links to know more about her: http://pinkelephantwritingstudio.com

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