Friday, 28 February 2014

Are you getting brainwashed to pursue a career?

So are you in high school, waiting to speed through college and join the workforce? If yes, then which profession are you dreaming of signing up for? Do you want to suit up for a corporate career because of the moolah you can make or head overseas to carve out a career in software because a NRI status seems prestigious? Do you want to teach in a college, because that seems like a flexible career for a woman, or do you want to do an MBA because everyone seems to be doing so? But at the end of the day, is your choice of career dictated by passion, peer or parental pressure or popularity?

Wednesday, 19 February 2014

Save me, oh father!

One of the evenings when my wife was away travelling out of town on work, I sat down in front of the TV, dealing with the prospect of feeding dinner to our two boys. I sat on the bed with a plate of food in my hand, as our 7-year old had successfully negotiated for himself the No-TV-No-Dinner clause. Lacking adequate backup support, I gave in rather easily - only to pull rank and insist that we watch Mahabharat (yes, I am a keen follower) instead of Doremon. For those of you who are new to this series of Mahabharat, it is a welcome change from the BR Chopra fare that most of us grew up on. It is refreshing to watch a series that captures the true essence of the multi-faceted characters in all their various shades – good, bad and ugly (my parents’ generation completely disagrees with me though).

Thursday, 13 February 2014

5 ways to find a line of work for yourself!

Is work just about earning a pay cheque? Or, can work really mean more than this? While, several professionals will tell you that your work is a way to put bread (and bacon or beans) on the table, your line of work can be made to work for you. How’s that possible, you may ask? Here are five ways to find out if the boot fits you right…err, I mean, how you can find a line of work that suits you the T.

Action step: Get a notebook and pen for this ‘session’.

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

My Muse - Part 2

I loved watching tv, and I read many books. Books about how people would have an unhappy time working for a company, and then they would suddenly find an outlet for their creativity and end up doing that. These stories made me think a lot. Will I be happy doing law? Fighting for justice?

I had already started studying for my entrance exams, but I did not like the process. I continued writing, because that was my only escape from legal aptitude tests. I wrote when I fought with friends, when I was hurt, when I was so happy that I could dance. I put down questions regarding myself, and I ended up answering them by the end of the page. It was a crazy feeling.